Llama cull weekend

Adore was an film score within a movie within an album within an album.

The compainion piece entitled "God" was just a photo of him looking smug as fuck next to a blank canvas, but yeah don't quite have my finger on it yet.

The compainion piece entitled "God" was just a photo of him looking smug as fuck next to a blank canvas, but yeah don't quite have my finger on it yet.

Please show yourself out through the servant's enterance.

Please show yourself out through the servant's enterance.

Whatever his background is, he looks black and probably caught his fair share of hell for it.

Whatever his background is, he looks black and probably caught his fair share of hell for it.

You don't know about our secret whites-only month? Are you half-Irish or something?

You don't know about our secret whites-only month? Are you half-Irish or something?

No doubt but now I'm picturing Frodo and Sam dead halfway through Mordor with zits on their face.

No doubt but now I'm picturing Frodo and Sam dead halfway through Mordor with zits on their face.

There's a lot of beautiful scenery there and you don't need anyone tapping you on the shoulder to say, "that was in an elf movie" to appreciate it.

There's a lot of beautiful scenery there and you don't need anyone tapping you on the shoulder to say, "that was in an elf movie" to appreciate it.

More dwarves = better than

More dwarves = better than

Tried buying lembas bread once and when I open the leaves it was a bunch of E. L. Fudges.

Tried buying lembas bread once and when I open the leaves it was a bunch of E. L. Fudges.

Look at this nerd with all his words.

Look at this nerd with all his words.

It's my understanding that when using CO2 even on an uncarbonated drink you're correct, even with a small amount of pressure after a while you're going to carbonate the product somewhat.