Llama cull weekend

When you're ready to have a serious conversation about 4chan, you have my email address.

When you're ready to have a serious conversation about 4chan, you have my email address.

Brave and Prometheus were great, haters.

Brave and Prometheus were great, haters.

Look at this chump that's never smoked a weed anally.

Look at this chump that's never smoked a weed anally.

I'm sort of baffled you guys are against the Jump Suits, even if they would be CGI. Have you read the book? It's one part cliche basic training yarn, one part fascist speculitive fiction, and TEN PARTS HOLY SHIT THEY'RE JUMPING OVER CITIES WITH THEIR AWESOME BODY ARMOR MOM I KNOW WHAT I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS!

I'm sort of baffled you guys are against the Jump Suits, even if they would be CGI. Have you read the book? It's one part cliche basic training yarn, one part fascist speculitive fiction, and TEN PARTS HOLY SHIT THEY'RE JUMPING OVER CITIES WITH THEIR AWESOME BODY ARMOR MOM I KNOW WHAT I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS!

Starship Troopers had lots of great three-dimensional characters. There was confused guy, German guy, hillbilly guy, and get this the Japanese guy knew Judo.

Starship Troopers had lots of great three-dimensional characters. There was confused guy, German guy, hillbilly guy, and get this the Japanese guy knew Judo.

I'll trade naked people for Jump Suits. Maybe I'm getting old.

I'll trade naked people for Jump Suits. Maybe I'm getting old.

Sure is hard to post in internet comment sections with all of this money in the way of the monitor. *fall on sword*

Sure is hard to post in internet comment sections with all of this money in the way of the monitor. *fall on sword*

Black Dwarf starring Tyler Perry and Tony Cox.

Black Dwarf starring Tyler Perry and Tony Cox.

Mom is really hamstringing my act by not letting me say swears.

Mom is really hamstringing my act by not letting me say swears.

Ew gross

Ew gross