Llama cull weekend

Spice Girls video, c'mon I need this, shit, oh wait The Grind? Love is a many splendored thing.

Spice Girls video, c'mon I need this, shit, oh wait The Grind? Love is a many splendored thing.

Actually I am confused. They seem to have a tidy little formula worked out: aim low, don't waste money on expensive talent, and all of the Second United Church of the Bedhead Jesus (Missouri Synod)'s of the world buy group tickets and they make a little scratch.

Actually I am confused. They seem to have a tidy little formula worked out: aim low, don't waste money on expensive talent, and all of the Second United Church of the Bedhead Jesus (Missouri Synod)'s of the world buy group tickets and they make a little scratch.

I know him as hobo-braining rail cop Shack from Emperor of the North.

I know him as hobo-braining rail cop Shack from Emperor of the North.

Picturing a jet with bunker buster missles firing at the last known whereabouts of Yahoo Serious.

Picturing a jet with bunker buster missles firing at the last known whereabouts of Yahoo Serious.

Those poor southerners desperately trying to hold on to one of the cruelest itterations of slavery known to history and spread it to the frontier states, forced into it by space bees or whatever I have no idea.

Those poor southerners desperately trying to hold on to one of the cruelest itterations of slavery known to history and spread it to the frontier states, forced into it by space bees or whatever I have no idea.

If you're interested in the other side of the argument, look for my e-book "My Right To Swing My Fist Ends At The Tip Of My Dick," available on Amazon for $150 (messed up my neighbors azaleas on camera, need to buy them new ones)

If you're interested in the other side of the argument, look for my e-book "My Right To Swing My Fist Ends At The Tip Of My Dick," available on Amazon for $150 (messed up my neighbors azaleas on camera, need to buy them new ones)

*cat walks up to Anne Rice* Oh hello Fall of the Mouse of Usher what boon would you ask of me? *cat knocks over her sexual voodoo altar* noooo

*cat walks up to Anne Rice* Oh hello Fall of the Mouse of Usher what boon would you ask of me? *cat knocks over her sexual voodoo altar* noooo

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus Would you? I used the phone to make a robot best friend.

@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus Would you? I used the phone to make a robot best friend.

Hey robot wife get in here I got us some Cleopatra 2525 videos *Platinum comes into the room with an empty revolver and six dents in her head* Haha nice try robot wife

Hey robot wife get in here I got us some Cleopatra 2525 videos *Platinum comes into the room with an empty revolver and six dents in her head* Haha nice try robot wife