Llama cull weekend

Claymation Moose: I don't knoooow Tyyyyyccchhhoooo.

Claymation Moose: I don't knoooow Tyyyyyccchhhoooo.

Bonus points if the girl character's name is actually Girl Character.

Bonus points if the girl character's name is actually Girl Character.

Based on the spelling and grammar I think he still ate a shotgun blast. :-C

Based on the spelling and grammar I think he still ate a shotgun blast. :-C

Sir Issac Newton and John Locke lean over a glowing furnace in the Royal Mint, but the camera pans back to reveal the glow is the embers of a gigantic bong.

Sir Issac Newton and John Locke lean over a glowing furnace in the Royal Mint, but the camera pans back to reveal the glow is the embers of a gigantic bong.

Counterfeiter: "That's quite a gun."
Newt: "Ain't surprised to hear that since yo' bitch said I wasn't the only one dealin' in infitesimals."

Counterfeiter: "That's quite a gun."
Newt: "Ain't surprised to hear that since yo' bitch said I wasn't the only one dealin' in infitesimals."

"Oh man I'm going to tell my Mom you guys filled out this one oh gosh, oh golly."

"Oh man I'm going to tell my Mom you guys filled out this one oh gosh, oh golly."

Dr. Levi Sexman (Nicholas Cage) finds a fault in The Alamanc's weather prediction formula, which was purposely left in by Ben Franklin as a clue to where he hid his solid gold Franklin stove.

Dr. Levi Sexman (Nicholas Cage) finds a fault in The Alamanc's weather prediction formula, which was purposely left in by Ben Franklin as a clue to where he hid his solid gold Franklin stove.

Harvey Wallbanger lays down a towel on the beach before making love to Tom Collins. "Call me Old Fashioned."

Harvey Wallbanger lays down a towel on the beach before making love to Tom Collins. "Call me Old Fashioned."

And I say, England's greatest Prime Minister was Lord Palmerston!

And I say, England's greatest Prime Minister was Lord Palmerston!

Sometimes if you're stuck on a problem it helps to busy your concious mind with something else like, say, woodworking or criminal sex.

Sometimes if you're stuck on a problem it helps to busy your concious mind with something else like, say, woodworking or criminal sex.