Llama cull weekend

I don't want to fight it anymore, understand me Uncle Owen? And I don't want you pissing in my ear about it. Can you let me go to Tosche Station the way I want to?

I don't want to fight it anymore, understand me Uncle Owen? And I don't want you pissing in my ear about it. Can you let me go to Tosche Station the way I want to?

The squareheads weren't attacked by Souix, but we were meant to think they did. Dirt Worshippers ride single file to hide their numbers.

The squareheads weren't attacked by Souix, but we were meant to think they did. Dirt Worshippers ride single file to hide their numbers.

Kind of want to hear Wu, Swearengen, Bib Fortuna, an Ewok and a Jawa try to split a check right now.

Kind of want to hear Wu, Swearengen, Bib Fortuna, an Ewok and a Jawa try to split a check right now.

"This Wild Turkey is a service animal!"

"This Wild Turkey is a service animal!"

If I'm going to die I want to pretend I'm going to some glorious Viking hall of the dead to suckle at the meady teats of a celestial bitch-boar, so axe please.

If I'm going to die I want to pretend I'm going to some glorious Viking hall of the dead to suckle at the meady teats of a celestial bitch-boar, so axe please.

Oh I see. Yeah "Crichton as director" tightens my sphincters for some reason. What's the appeal? "I wrote the sumbitch so you don't have to wait a day for me to read the script!" "Great you're hired!"

Oh I see. Yeah "Crichton as director" tightens my sphincters for some reason. What's the appeal? "I wrote the sumbitch so you don't have to wait a day for me to read the script!" "Great you're hired!"

Well Chrichton always seemed like he wanted to play Hollywood and he wrote the book the movie was based off of, unless I'm misunderstanding your confusion.

Well Chrichton always seemed like he wanted to play Hollywood and he wrote the book the movie was based off of, unless I'm misunderstanding your confusion.

@avclub-cf50b28ef624912ff106c57ca9be41dc:disqus Yeah I just watched the extended cut over the weekend for the first time in years and I agree. The scene with Newt's family finding the crashed ship from the first movie seemed particularly poorly acted.

@avclub-cf50b28ef624912ff106c57ca9be41dc:disqus Yeah I just watched the extended cut over the weekend for the first time in years and I agree. The scene with Newt's family finding the crashed ship from the first movie seemed particularly poorly acted.

Don Ohlmeyer? Is that you?

Don Ohlmeyer? Is that you?

I liked him in Green Arrow a few years back where he was used as whimsical levity. "Ugh Riddler is in town shit I had errands to do tonight DAMMIT."

I liked him in Green Arrow a few years back where he was used as whimsical levity. "Ugh Riddler is in town shit I had errands to do tonight DAMMIT."