Llama cull weekend

I think it's still the literal Japanese translation.

You made me MISS.

Yeah his buds have always been a little ridiculous but I loved seeing them walking down the middle of that New Mexico street with shit-eating grins on their faces, owning it.

Everyone is a child.

You mad?

But we did get to see the movie early! Here in Sealand the backlash has already begun, in fact.

I'm guessing you haven't seen the movie yet? In that case you may want to avoid this thread for a while.

Really? For then entire Hooters scene the dude was definitely overcompensating for something.

Um spoilers much?

Whatever happened to grabbing a barely fluent body builder and soaking him in lime Kool-Aid for six hours a day? Simpler times, those were.

Dr. Druid all blowing the Hulk with tears streaming down his face because he isn't sure he had a choice in the matter… and he LOVES it. Stay for the end of the credits is what I'm saying.

@bendthebullet:disqus They don't give you very much for Hulu Plus, that's right. My biggest peeve is this "web only!" bullshit. It's me the guy actually giving you cash money American buckaroos let me watch Top Chef on my sofa you fucking crooks.

They need to themselves resort to piracy (corporate privateers, if you will). How soon will you stop pirating when they start reading out of your dream journal during 3 1/2 Men commercial breaks?

And here I thought the modern day cleaning out of the Augean stables would be watching Hulu's film content, heyoooooooooo

Enough of this "no Top Chef or 30 Rock" foreplay Hulu Plus, let's do this.

This should be a DVD extra. Squirrel Girl is of course Kristen Schaal.

If I can ignore the bard for a moment: killing off a character is a source of cheap emotional impact and when you're writing for something that is 70 years old, that can be a tempting place to visit every now and again.

I thought it was clever when they put him on Alpha Flight for a while.

Wasn't Mockingbird an Avenger at one point? Her power was owning two sticks to hit people with.

There's Razorback, the trucker superhero with his electrified pig mane and giant pig head helmet.