Llama cull weekend

@avclub-ab34d8d7f2771066c8724c8c4d440f60:disqus The original point brought up is "women have sexual power over men," which is a silly thing to say since it ignores society's expecations on women to look sexy, the harassment they have to deal with, and the terrible sexual crimes they have to constantly be on their

@avclub-2bc89f96d5af36cd7c598b934297491f:disqus A gentleman never asks, a lady never tells.

@Dikachu:disqus but what if they think they don't need permission to be kicked in the nards check AND mate sir.

That's fine as far as it goes, but when you step back consider that rape is overwhelmingly a male crime perpetuated largely on women, the phrase "women have sexual power over men" starts to seem a little ridiculous.

Yeah sorry this is a serious conversation, but when people are being ridiculous it is low hanging joke fruit.


I didn't want to lock you in my van until you inhaled a balloon full of helium and yelled at my genitals, but you see you're a witch exercising your sexual powers on me, so you see I had no choice.

Boy I was watching porn for years before I figured out you could masturbate to it. What a banner day that was.

You may compose a poem for her admiring her chastity and piety, but may not recite it in the same room as her without her having a related male chaperone present. Eye contact is allowed, but frowned upon.

"I can't even go outside on a hot day guys seriously you don't understand I'll start peeling immedietely." - The Holy Ghost

Fat Tire is probably the least interesting beer they make (it's biscuity!), but I'm a fan overall as well. La Folie is unimpeachable. I've had better abbey style beers than their Abbey and Tripel, but it's so refreshing to be able to get those in a six pack.

15 years ago the only place I ever saw a theater with beer was at a casino theater in Laughlin, Nevada.

And wear literal horse blinders. On the plus side, no one ever feels compelled to sit next to me.

A toddler playing peek-a-boo with me over the seat at Silent Hill is my fave.

The way this country drags it's feet on the "beer at the movies" issue is a continuing source of shame, but I feel we're turning a corner.

It's because they have Twizzlers instead of Red Vines what a bunch of idiots.

Ach, das ist nicht eine Bobbie!

I don't usually shoot down a German building, but when I do I mangle a Simpsons quote. Stay blursty, my friends.

Hallo Pfeffernuss, warüm sind Sie in DER PAIPERKORB DU BIST JA EIN LUSTIGE KATZE!!!!!

I never thought I could shoot down a German place, but last year I proved myself wrong!