Llama cull weekend

Let's see, off hand there's: It's A Small World, Hall of President malfunctions involving melting "flesh," the exits sticking shut in The Tiki Room…

When are they going to make a Splash Mountain movie?

It's so fucking good. Gamble a stamp, people!

Aw, you guys are sweet. But if I can get serious here for a minute, have you ever heard of Dr. Ron Paul? *doors lock from the outside*

J'accuse olestra.

Maybe Brad didn't use a coaster once and there's still a big, unsightly ring on her coffee table, did you ever think of that Mr. Big Shot?

You can get ethical diamonds hand harvested by Inuit albinos from the gizzards of Canadian Dirt Whales who died peaceful, natural deaths (frightened by beaver alarm slaps) if you're willing to pay for it.

My wife won't listen to Tom Waits for even a minute. She doesn't care for, how shall I say this, characterful voices.

Good call. I saw it in the theatre when I was 17 and left not knowing what I just watched exactly. It grows on you.

*holds right bumper* PI ZAA DOH!

And just for old time's sake, here is my last post translated into Japanese and back again:

Sic semper my anus.

Is World of Warcraft still doing that "/pizza" thing?

Sometimes you just can't talk to anyone or cook anything and you need to beep boop Papa Johns to your house because no better places deliver to your address.

I was wondering if Babelfish was still around and I see Yahoo bought it.

I don't get the hate. Sure monitors don't work that way, but it looks fantastic.

Totally. It was probably the funniest thing I had ever seen at, I dunno, 11 years old.

Also during the couch gag for the episode "Wedding for Disaster", there is sales tax on Comic Book Guy's bill and in Oregon they don't have that.

Joke's on you, I don't bathe and I need a way to make it to the Björk Out With Your Dork Out festival this year.

No, but legally I am not a person but a religious organization thanks to a tax dodge I was talked into. It gets me out of all sorts of jams.