Llama cull weekend

Oh. I see. *puts away College ruled notebook RAPPE TOME, VOL. I written on the cover in Sharpie and leaves thread on a Razor scooter with watch gears glued to it*

Feed the blood-birds, 100,000 Turkish Neo-Yen a skull.

*runs into room redfaced and breathless* Did someone want to hear about my Steampunk rap group Laudnum Privates and Rhymes?

Considering the terrorist group in the first movie was named Ten Rings I also thought it was going that way.

And even then they needed to be escorted by silver-screen luminaries like Chris Tucker, Jennifer Love-hewitt, or Stifler so the audience doesn't get uncomfortable.

Starring Dennis Miller and Raven-Symoné?

In the valley of the flightless, the jetpacked double amputee is king.

Gillman: The Wetness. Creature: The Black Harpoon.

Does that stop cats in Nazi Parallel Earth? It doesn't here.

And judo and wrestling, for my money.

My brother rowed and an old teammate of his was in Athens, so of course we stayed up until 2am through hours of softball to watch it. Which is the Olympics experience in a nutshell.

Did they really? I know the international interest is pretty limited, but throw the Carribean a bone.

Spoken like someone who has never owned a cat. If they want affection and you're lying down, they will jump on your chest. Whatever else you were doing doesn't matter, whether it was reading, masturbating, or bleeding out from a gunshot wound.

My main problem is that half of the sports would dissapear if there wasn't a medal in it. I have a hard time believing speed walkers are in it for the love of the game.

The Female: Now I'm going to haul ass to Lollapalooza!

Rip Torn as Rip Torn is another good reason for it.

I think it was from some writer on this site that I heard tried to write a young adult novel aimed at young women and the publisher was like, "there has to be a shopping or makeover scene or we can't sell this." Hunger Games seems to be that combined with a good ol' fashioned distopian action yarn.

No you don't get it, we don't have to be Christians, just act exactly like them. We're going straight to hell, but the Christians get to enjoy a police enforced life-long Golden Corral Buffet of the Soul where they are never remotely challenged in their beliefs or faith.

Mom had bad aim and I was born with perfectly pierced ears.

Serious as a heart attack, @avclub-3da678392d5ac1ff456fe6e06354fdef:disqus . The article is out there if you want to Google it.