Llama cull weekend

Haha, that's hilarious.

Okay, actual game story: I ran a game of Systems Failure once, which is obscure even by Palladium standards and I'm willing to bet I'm the only one here who has played it. Basically, it was an SDC game based around the Year 2000 Bug bringing literal giant bugs into Earth who can travel through electrical systems. It

I played 5th edition (?) all of once, but it was a blast. It's a great one-off game.

Jack Chick, of Chick Tracts, finally sat down and played the game and the biggest problem he had with it were the Clerics. Besides being often the most moral characters in the game, they made the crucial mistake of worshipping gods other than the God of Abraham, you see.

We weren't religious at all either and we could watch anything we wanted on TV, except for the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon. That D&D was A Bad Thing was really pervasive.

James Robinson was faced with the bulky, self-contradticting continuity of DC comics and the, what, six or so previous Starmans? and very, very skillfully weaves all of that into a plausible and compelling narrative, I always admired that. One of my favorite funny book series.

The so-called Super Buddies are a lot of fun, which centers around the old Justice League International and was written by Keith Giffen, J. M. DeMatteis, and drawn by Kevin Maguire. It's basically a bunch of D-list superheroes like Blue Beetle and also-ran Green Lanterns bickering with each other, and written for

It was a lot looser in practice, in my experience. Good characters had to be generally good, and evil generally evil. The only time it was a really strict issue was with Paladins since they had an omniscient being looking over them ready to zap them with a fork of lightning if they ever backhanded a farty goblin child

The greatest calendar I've ever seen is from a company that sells model horses. The horses are posed in front of photographs and are supposed to look like real horses doing real horse things, but there's a huge Uncanny Valley feeling from the plastic sheen on the horses.

I had a college group with my friends and they had a friend who would play sometimes, super nice guy, super Christian, and a complete asshole in-game. He was garaunteed at some point to try to kill everyone in the party in their sleep or sell us as slaves to the dark elves, that sort of thing. You have to wonder.

Some comedian on the Comedy Death-Ray album had a great take on that, something like: I would steal a car if I could touch a car and a minute later I own the car. And the owner gets to keep the car. And no one I've ever known has paid for a car in their lives.

At risk of ruining the moment: in Africa in the DC universe there's an invisible city full of hyper-intelligent, technologically-advanced gorillas named Gorilla City. It's where Flash villain Gorilla Grodd is from. Gorilla.

*Javelin opens his mouth as if to speak, thinks better of it, and slinks back into obscurity*

Ooooh, a nemesis for the new Speedy?

Well, that shit's canon. He was Daytime Batman.

"What do we need that the forestcity cannot provide?"

Do they let Gorilla City compete in the Olympics? Do they need to fish dead gorillas out of the pool after every high dive? I'll leave it an open question.

Oh good Green Arrow isn't an old, horny liberal with a complicated and interesting past, he's a kid with the bebop music and the hey hey.

Instead of pizza and partying they're into farm-to-table New American and catching up with Downton Abbey on Netflix.

But I mustn't, I'm at work! Away with you Google, fie!