Llama cull weekend

Oh they ain't so bad once you get to know 'em.

Full of defiant jazz hands and sarcastic twirls.

I believe it was Jesus that said, "The odds are good but the goods are odd."

We called them graveyards too on the mean streets of urban Oregon.

@RegularGonzalez:disqus , maybe he was saving the tobacco from used butts to roll his own cigarette? And you made it harder on him? I heard homeless people do that and also turn into raccoons on a full moon.

And if 10 calores is manly, and 100 calorie packs manlier still, my habit of drinking a tall glass of olive oil every night before bed is finally vindicated (none of this Extra Virgin shit, I've totally done it with ladies).

Moving Sherlock Holmes to an unfamiliar location (or time, anyone remember Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century?) always seemed tragic to me because while he was still a rough customer with an unparalleled deductive mind, he literally spent years studying the dirt and tobacco of London so a fleck of either could give

I like to think there's still a warehouse full of unsold Urkel-O's somewhere and this is a last-ditch ploy to sell them before the expiration date.

Nancy Grace's Farts and Nipples — £5.99
Nancy Grace's Farts and Nipples w/ Chips — £6.99

His athletic, chocolatey body writhing in every concievable position barely hidden under skimpy costumes.

I pull my pants above my hips
And I dip, you dip, we dip
And you pull yours and I pull mine
Do you have curds from a bovine?

Free Luna!

I'm halfway through Live From New York right now and thought about said jig when Lorne Michaels claimed Abba was the last act to not perform live on the show.

"Oh hey I took a bullion cube you will never miss which will literaly feed my family for months."

Oh I see. On the other hand, shooting yourself with a gun usually works. It seems the success rate is 90%, vs. 34% for jumping and 2% for poisoning.

Yeah guns made it possible for more people to commit suicide in the heat of the moment when they first became common, but these days you can also hit a propane tank with a wood axe while chewing on a Wint-O-Green Lifesaver, so it's unfair to single out gun owners.

What's this Doc, anti-Ghost Riding pills? *whips doctor with wallet chain and runs to his Honda Goldwing*

Alright good point, I Am Legend isn't Gone With The Wind in terms of cultural popularity.

@avclub-b0cf188d74589db9b23d5d277238a929:disqus , I don't think it's so strange. Simply put people can be assholes but pets are mostly innocent companions. People would have a much larger problem with eating meat if they had to participate in the raising and butchering of the animal at all.