Llama cull weekend

For sure, I play a lot of baccarat and everyone is pretty surprised when I start eating microwaved hot dogs (no bun) from a Ziplock bag I keep inside my M&M's leather jacket.

And Russian oligarchs hunting the most dangerous game usually employ a LOT more scrutiny.

"Hey don't take all of those pills, Dum Dum!"

Look, give him SOME credit. He's learned to control his strength around humans so of course he's going to use his super speed and parts from his Kryptonian spacecraft to catch his load before it does any damage.

"I was particularly angry in this scene because Mothra's wife had just broken up with me off set not five minutes before, we of course met during the Mothra movie and she had been getting sick of my drinking. Mothra is a great actor, a beacon of hope under the increasingly banal prosceneium of Hollywood, well,

Huh I was pretty sure that 1 1/2 star review was for the Raymond Burr version, but I guess not.

*Blows dust off of box full of old Sears catalogs* And they thought I was crazy WHO'S MASTURBATING NOW?

It's all gone now, like zydeco in the Grammys. Time to die.

In the space ship / the silver space ship / the lion experiences terror

As someone else who works for NASA I wish @avclub-e5165816f177d3922c20e9ea3b209f8f:disqus would stop leaving only a single uncleaned yogurt lid in his recycling every day because I have to change the whole bag for that shit.

I guess film studios buy film options for properties as a sort of gamble and often do not make those movies. If the owners mistook that for confirmation on a movie, they wouldn't be the first.

That's just the sort of thing someone with a racial Wisdom penalty would say.

Yeah the escapism of fantasy could mean ignoring sex, but it could also mean playing a lesbian nympho Nazi stripper in every game you play regardless of genre.

Hobbit orgies are synonymous with binge eating, actually.

Are clove cigarettes legal again? I'm picturing a lobbyist with Robert Smith hair.

Hey, every hour I don't spend in a record store is an hour I can spend chasing birds away from a small municipal airport for booze and permission to sleep under the luggage truck when they're not using it.

I think Carano did great in the lead by the low, low standards set by every other martial arts movie on the planet.

No it's beautiful in spots but maybe there's oil under the beauty???

"Shaking the tree of liberty to drive off the birds of tyrany and eat the succulent fruits of freedom like yeah"