Llama cull weekend

With the tune stolen from an old English drinking song, no less.

Huh, never saw Barbarella actually.

That energy was really endearing to me at first, but yeah later when I paid more attention to the material he turned out to be an unusually talented turd polisher.

I saw it there for the first time a few weeks ago. I guess they trotted it out again after Mike's death.

Did "Ghostbusters" turn into some piano diddy in the player for anyone else?

If you can remember the 60's La Femme Nikita, you weren't there (they never made it).

They're like Hot Pockets except they taste good.

I read a history of alcohol called Drink and they were both basically drunk for the entirety of their existence.

Which is why I walked everywhere with dental mirrors taped to my hairless noggin, blinking my eyes one at a time so I could see danger coming from any angle, and carrying a pair of hatchets. No one bothered me and in fact several people actually gave me their money.

Yeah that was nice. I like how she tried to make her face into flesh, but it went wrong and it stunk like rotting meat.  Why should ou automatically know how to use your powers? There has to be some trial and error, great touch.

What if they wrote Metemorpho as being really, really dumb? With an at-best flawed knowledge of chemistry? All turning into sodium in a rain storm next to a school bus. Turning into iron, beating up a villain, then rusting himself in place in the shower and it takes him like an hour or two to remember to turn into

Oh yeah:

Agreed. Mr. Burns and Homer are some of the strongest characters on the show and they really shine here.

I was just thinking about that episode when I got back to work from 2 weeks of vacation and was relieved to have no phone messages.

I would almost agree based on the strength of Homer finding the sugar.

Yes going to war in Afghanistan and then invading a country under false pretenses, then leaving the new guy holding the bag, who then participates in a brief international bombing effort in Libya (which had a lot more support abroad than the other wars, whoops) does technically make Obama "bloodthirst"ier (three

On the opposite side of that coin flip: pot heads.

I ain't no math whiz or even educated, even in the most basic of societal customs and language, I was raised by dogs really, but I like to bang on keyboards because of the noise it makes and see the pretty lights.  Sometimes a legible sentence comes out purely by chance, as it is now.

I also do shit online that no one cares about we should have a webring

@Miller Okay so there's a chance kids can find comic books without having wade through mountains of greasy flesh, cool.