Llama cull weekend

This has been my racially charged political griping in a Super Mario thread, thank you for reading.

Obviously guilty, so why let a little thing like due process get in the way of frying his ass?
"Uproar," Jesus. If only.

That makes sense, but if you start protecting fungus you start outlawing beer (it exploits yeast). It's too terrible to even think about, so it's just as well that Goombas are fake.

Okay I'll bite, what is the NAACP doing that upsets you?

Alas they remain fungi, not animal. *solemly sautees them in a frying pan with rock salt and some extra virgin olive oil*

It stars a facilitator for meat eaters who doesn't seem to change or show remorse for his actions, but on the other hand he is haunted by the undead remnants of all the animal products he has cooked up.  It's pretty neutral, I'd say.

Nothing a conservative can do is gay, up to and including gay sex.

Frank Miller presses his finger to his lips and says, "this will be our little secret" to his box of Just For Men.  He tucks it away in a locked cupboard with his fine silver throwing stars and formal, Klingon-esque knives.

Oh my God my copy is waiting for me at home right now, all sprawled out on the bed waiting for me to pretend to be an elf in it.

And the min/max system was so counter-intuitive: you DON'T pick the skills you want to level up, otherwise you level up too fast and get next to no stat bonuses.

I thought he was believably 18+ in The Departed. He'll get there.

I watched a lot of syndicated TV on summer vacations when I was younger and I remember briefly watching the sitcom Dear John. I can't remembr a thing about it except the theme song, "Dear John (Dear John), by the time you read this letter I'll be gone…"

@avclub-b6e5391be8277308d0801a0be95ac706:disqus , The Palladium system has always been a Frankenstein's Monster of bad ideas stapled onto more bad ideas.

Dumb Bear's Number?

SDC is normal shit, MDC is magical or futuristic tech shit, so your 1st level vagabond with a bottom of the barrel vibroknife could level a forest given a free afternoon.

Simultaneous Attack if you a boss.

1 MDC is equal to 100 SDC. MDC can hurt SDC, but SDC can't hurt MDC. Unless the MDC has an AR, in which case you need to roll over the AR to hit the SDC bits. *virginity leaps back into body*

Currently brooding inside a Rope Trick pocket dimension maybe.

GURPS was like going into Chuck E. Cheese and all of the fun animal people are replaced with accountants and all of the games are replaced with REAL BRICKS for you to break with your REAL HEAD.

Other pencil-through-the-forehead deaths in TGIF history: