Llama cull weekend

Honorable Mention: the dining scene.

"Miak! Bet you thought I couldn't get any this time of year."

I was really legit frightened of being abducted by aliens when I was a kid, so this movie scared the heck sauce out of me. My favorite scare there was near the beginning of the movie when you don't expect it Mel looks out the window and bam, alien on the roof.

Yeah I'll say it worked out pretty well. I think my resistance to the Rio Bravo comparison is because there isn't much tension in Bravo since they have John Fucking Wayne on their side, but it's hard to argue with the director himself.

I watched Assault on Precinct 13 for the first time recently. I never got much of a Rio Bravo vibe out of it, to me it's more of a Romero zombie siege movie. Consider the barely-there subtext that the "youth gangs" are being influenced by the space radiation mentioned on the radio in the beginning, especially since

Who REALLY drank a 30-pack of Miluwakee's Best Ice and shit in the living room last night? I'm just asking questions!

He's nothing but a low-down, double-dealing, backstabbing, larcenous perverted worm! Hanging's too good for him. Burning's too good for him! He should be torn into little bitsy pieces and buried alive!

Yeah and there weren't any other of the usual mitigating factors, like the bottles being full of urine or tiny ships. It was pretty damning evidence.

Amy Winehouse in the Afternoon:
2.5 ounces absinthe
Enough cold Buckfast Tonic Wine to greate a la louche effect

There's a legal minimum for tolerating the weather, so it's a fine line.

I did, but specifically several (5+) thigh-high boots full of one part Buckfast tonic wine and one part cider. Pity.

… embalming fluid is remarkably similar to what comes out of 4-liter bottles of Stumbling Bootblack Vodka.

I think the success of Blade sort of helped loosen up the pursestrings a bit for the likes of X-Men, personally.

A napkin with "rezervation" written on it in ballpoint pen is socially the Great Wall of China, it's true.

An old mop handle to bang on the dumpster to scare off the smaller rats, you say?

"Hello this is Herbert Woodrow Pepsi the Third, my entourage and I will be dining at your Arby's this evening. Have a boy ready to park the Pepsi Max themed Rolls Royce and we would enjoy having our roast beef hamburger sandwhiches prepared tableside. Do you have Mello Yello?"

An over-turned milk crate by the dumpster so long as no one is on a smoke break, you say?  8 o'clock? Splendid.

The Australians in London are part of a sort-of Reconquista where they take on the criminal roles that got their forefathers exported, like robbery and being Irish.

I mailed him a Sudoku. It's a Medium.

I saw Gordon Ramsey challenge someone to a contest eating weird foods like SE Asian snake whiskey and such, and the thing that made Gordon throw up was the Icelandic fermented shark.