Llama cull weekend

I'm with you, dude. It was fun finding out what the other heroes were up to.

I think in antiquity more than a few monarchs converted to Christianity so they could still get sloshed. But try telling that to the, "Jesus turned water into grape juice" set.

Hahaha I thought you were kidding

Okay everyone the game is Jesus Embrace 'Em, Jesuses' are mild

Oh my it just turned 9 lets get the real party going *breaks out the Sociables*

Sup Kirk happy b-day brought you some store brand orange soda with the fizz removed

There will be music from 8:00-8:05pm (Our God Is An Awesome God at single digit volume, no dancing).

The American history of Canada:
Beavers, French, Queen, burned down Whitehouse, SOCIALISM!

I pity athiests because they will never feel the unmitigated joy and personal satisfaction I get to experience on a daily basis thanks to my murderous Dionysian mystery cult.

I see you. I see you over there trying to take my guns away A-HA! *rips open shower curtain*

He hates these cars! Stay away from the cars!

Loki has assembled a crack team of villains (Leap Frog, Paste Pot Pete, Stiltman, a mind-controlled Whizzer).

Leave a bucket of KFC on the northern-most corner of your property on the first New Moon after Autumn starts, or rock stars will ruin your harvest.

See I'm reading that as "Bilk Water" HEY DID YOU KNOW EVIAN SPELLED BACKW


*sees censored swear on the internet* *gasps* *drops teacup he was poslishing*

And Jonah Hill as Hamilton Burger.

I know, right? Still, hopefully I'll have to make two consecutive roundtrip flights to Australia this year for some reason and I can fit in another Stephenson Word-Brick.

Great book, loved it. I would have been interested to hear more about the Pacific coast and the Mexican border, there had to be bootlegging going on there, but maybe it was small potatoes.

Totally.  There was a guy with the sacremental wine monopoly who made every varietal you could think of and encouraged buying large barrels of it, "to prevent theft."