Llama cull weekend

More specifically, Jamaican ginger extract was the "jake." You could buy it at the store and it just happened to be like 80 proof.

I loved hearing about the "Mosquito Fleet" of tiny boats that crossed the Great Lakes every day. It's the reason the Coast Guard started to get real funding since they had 40 boats in the entire country at the beginning of Prohibition.

Women are partly to blame for Prohibiton and they probably had the purest motives. They were stretching their political muscles for the first time (but didn't have the vote yet), and husbands blowing all the money on booze and whores was a problem, since you couldn't divorce really.


It's my understanding that they're always kissing each other.

"Was that the city limits? Thank GOD!" *cracks open Steel Reserve tallboy*

Damn your eyes, @avclub-b90391459007fbc002dee3084fef650b:disqus

Jane: "Three words: Five-dollar Footlong."
John: "Oh my…" *tries to hand him $5*

Fuckin' SOLD.

To me, The Punisher is only interesting as an over-the-top counterpoint to other superheroes. By himself he's just another film vigilante.

Sully: "I haven't worn shirts since my wife died." *applies secret Cheyenne recipe for hot oil treatments to fabulous 90's syndicated television coif*

I'm getting more, "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman."

I also dug the ending.

This reminds me of the Napster days when there was a "Nirvana - Freebird" floating around. Of course, it was just Kurt saying, "here's your Freebird" and presumably flipping off the requester.

My American college had the world's foremost expert in Pepsiology on tenure, I'll have you know.

"They couldn't have possibly built the pyramids, they weren't white!"

Pennyroyal Tea?

Okay here goes: The Spin Doctors were a fun band unfairly thrown under the bus after the rise of so-called alternative music.

Well help yourself to any of the Werther's Originals on the coffee table and we have some pita chips in the cupboard. Oh, we also have some wedding cake in the refridgerator! My wife's cousin got married last weekend, really sweet kid. Husband looks like a fucking sasquatch, though. Anyways, it's angel food.

"Divine Hammer" is also pretty clearly about boners, where was the Million Mom March on that one?