Llama cull weekend

Growing up in Oregon our famous homegrown bands were The Cherry Poppin' Daddies, Everclear, and Courtney Love. As if the weather wasn't depressing enough.

Yeah this song was really popular amongst the beer and high-five set at Arizona State.

Him and 'roided out Carrot Top should just start beating on people in the street, because what's belivable about that call to the police?

I was interested to learn that the actor does Mixed Martial Arts now.

"You pinchie pew-toes! Honestly!"

"My oldest started pointing to and talking about the cat's butthole. Pants? Thank you for listening."

Yes and no: Star Wars used blasters and ion beams, but actual lasers not working on shields is canon. But could the shields stop the Fooorrrccceee? Troi's bullshit empath shit worked through shields, afterall.

Nice work if you can get it.

Didn't these costumed people get banned last year and they all moved to Vegas or something? Game on?

*puts on shades that have AP CALCULUS, BITCH! painted on them and struts out of homeroom*

You spend one blood-point for an erection, then you fake a sneeze and break a condom full of hobo semen into her vagina during the act, that you paid for with a fiver and a 4-liter jug of Carlo Rossi (the hobo, not the mother-to-be).

It was a terrible strain on the animators wrist.

At 13 or 14 I convinced my Mom to let me and my little sister (like 11 or 12 or so) see Time Cop since it was, "just kicking and stuff, no nudity or anything." There may have well been nudity, probably Van Damme's ass, I don't remember. I think the mystique of the R rating made the special effect when the same person

My mistake! The Car Talk guys keep pushing the Outback as a better lesbian car, so I got confused.

Yeah you touched upon what I think is the main issue: anyone can appreciate the striking, but you need to have grappled to get the grappling part. Otherwise it's a bit boring. I didn't get it until I started doing judo.

You have no idea whether or not this was in self defense yet. This is the worst sort of speculation. Shame on you!

I guess you don't like the fans.  For that reason I'd say pro wrestling is more the ICP of sports. Plus there's facepaint involved.

"Ugh, Sondra put something dark in the whites again!" *pulls out black T-shirt that says HIKING BOOTS SUBARU OUTBACK K.D. LANG LPGA*
*Audience begins hooting until it slowly becomes apparent that the audience is literally orangutangs instead of people*

Someone's forgetting a scrappy little jokesmith named Sinbad.

I make a decent side income by walking around the Wynn in flip flops, jorts and dirty Big Dog T's until they pay me to leave.