Llama cull weekend

Shouldn't ideas… … … … … … … … … … … ….

My Freshman year roommate wouldn't stop listening to Counting Crows and ska, and he always beat me in Goldeneye, so fuck that guy.

Still working my way through ME1, but the Fallout games are well worth your time. I prefer New Vegas. The new mechanics and non-linear gameplay make it hard to go back to Fallout 3. Love those chewy crafting bits, like brewing up wasteland tequila and making shotgun shells out of Legion coins. Hardcore mode is pretty

I for one want to hear about the black villains you mention from that period. You know, the ones that were really shitty about using drinking fountains in a hygenic manner. At your lesiure, Chocolate!

After biting off Frodo's finger, Gollum danced around merrily.

Mexicans were the best customers at Burger King. They never had any "a Whopper with two bottom buns, extra pickles, cut in half with no meat" orders.

Crotchless and assless, in the Kryptonian fashion. What? It's his heritage.

*Shines a flashlight under the sink*
Yep, classic signs of Supermen activity, lady. One's looking at me right now. You need to spray.

*clucks tongue* SOMEONE has never read the Smegma Horse manga.

I constantly eat mint leaves and mint cud, I have fresh breath and great cholesterol.

Let me put it this way, if I served you a steak and explained the cow was fed a steady diet of lye-treated whitefish, moonshine and sweater residue, would that be appetizing?

I think there's a middle-ground here. It may not please Morrisey, but I personally bomb every animal I consume. When you're involved in the process of bomb ing your own food it gives you a lot more respect for the animal and you eat less (because you lose a lot of meat in even a modest explosion).

Oh he'll kill the fuck out of some cabbage, though, the hypocrite. Just sitting in the dirt, tearing it out of the ground in handfulls, cackling like a lunatic, naked from the waist down. I've seen it a million times.

Thanks Gray. I was tearing my hair out with all of these military nerds ignoring the important funnybook questions to jack-off about OMG they found a cocktail napkin with a Nazi UFO sketched on it, CAN YOU IMAGINE?

Not so fast, one of Superman's weaknesses is magic *chair collapses, rolls down stairs, neck breaks open and pure, undiluted virginity sprays everywhere like a mighty fountain*

Subtract an inch because of the feathered hair.

*Dumb guy stands up int he middle of the movie*
"Hey wait a minute, this isn't right, this isn't right at all! That's the Human Torch, not Captain America! They're trying to make a monkey out of us and I for one won't stand for it! Who's with me? Burn it down! BURN IT ALL DOWN!"

Plus I'll bet they meet a lot of slapdicks who got D's in English saying, "I should write movies, how hard can it be? I'm an idea person."

They really had to beef-up and multiply Stiltman to make him a believable menace.

These really make me smile.