Llama cull weekend

I thought the same super soldier serum is what has been keeping Nick Fury alive and in his prime.

I got a bad case of Grumble Belly.

That was actually the butler, whom the pie-thrower invited as a scapegoat.


There are some bullshit computer screen eReaders out there, but the Kindle isn't one of them. It's literally ink you're looking at.

Haven't we all been Toby Keith'd at least once in our lives?

My local Borders became a Toby Keith'd I Love This Bar & Grill, no bullshit.

Has anyone else signed on for the vast liberal conspiracy to keep people from seeing this movie? I'm starting tomorrow for the 11am showing.

And all of the Urkels standing wordlessly in the background? That early cut really got inside my head.

A man with his bare belly painted up like Abraham Lincoln crying alone in an empty room in his giant stovepipe hat, a one-earred rabbit mating with a grey Reebok Pump, a Dali homage with a man cutting his eye open with a razor blade, a man in a gorilla costume and Hawaiian shirt digging a grave in a strangers front

The moment you acknowledge defeat or learn anything from it, you are letting defeat defeat you.

The Dumb Guy In The Focus Group We Listen Too Regardless: "Um, yeah, what if there was raptors? Raptors are so hot right now."

Rock And Roll Music
"I must admit they have a rockin' band / Man they were goin' like a hurricane"

*passes regressive, bigoted legislation*

"More rum!"

Too soon!

For your consideration:

Boot gazing?

Or it was an unfortunate coincidence and he had to look after his own brand name?

Frank Miller and his knives
Look at the imagination on this kid!