Llama cull weekend

After a simple trepanning, you can put the movie directly into your brain without any pesky sensory organs to get in the way!

His first night in Bag End, Thorin cost me two hogsheads of Longbottom Leaf. He never made a sound.


Pilsner Urkel

This wine I'm drinking says Night Train on it

*Labotomizes you to make you GGG*

Wasn't the secret agent named Blake Stone or something? He shot aliens with lasers and levels had a ridiculous amount of nested hidden areas?

I think we've learned a lot here today.

I love the word "boffo."

The swords are just to distract you from the poleaxe.

Drinking coffee, masturbating, smoking REEFER CIGARETTES!

Yes, we have no education! We have no education today!

"Zodiac" by Neal Stephenson
All of the thrills and chills of a Neal Stephenson book, but it isn't a 1000 page brick like his stuff usually is.

"Time Enough For Love" is one of mine, too. Besides the man who was too lazy to fail, I enjoyed the parts where he picked up the oddball twins and also when he homesteaded.

Someone pipe up, because this miak isn't working.

Replace the word "sasquatch" with "Santa Claus" and your theory still works.

Proof that 'Sqyatches bury their dead, Ghost Buggy!

Ahem, "geese feet."

That reminds me of something I read where somewhere near the California/Oregon border they had a Bigfoot Trap someone used to stock with game or beef carcasses. Just a clubhouse looking thing where the door would slam shut when something took the bait. It's still there, but no one baits it anymore because they just

Anyone else only know about DIVX from the homocidal talking DIVX player on Penny Arcade? No? And I've outted myself as a miserable human being?!?