Llama cull weekend

Yeah what Joufrouc said, you couldn't strap the Virtua Boy to your head, you had to put it on a stand and set it on a table. It took a lot of the potential charm out of the product.

Gym shorts, weed and sake bombs.

And all of the Sinbad the Sailor movies are rated 1 star. Did you get confused and upset when looking for more Sinbad stand ups?

Once two strangers climbed on Rocky Top, looking for Netflix codes
Strangers ain't come back from Rocky Top, and no one's watching the roads

She's Sharing Passwords, I'm Sharing Herpes

I also had The Next Great Restaurant show up as Web Only. There's probably a few others, I suspect.

There are a few shows they show on regular Hulu that you can't watch on Hulu Plus - for instance, Community. It's been a draaaaaag.

Why would you assume the robots want to hurt you? I think you're just afraid of intamacy.

Late news is a small price to pay to not be reading AICN.

Going to edit a sex-changing ability into the article, BRB.

I would have settled for something that rhymed with "Eve," but yours are pretty good.

The Hobbit: I Can Do Burgling All By Myself

Adam and Eve not Arwen and Thorin.

There are a thousand stories in the naked galaxy…
Hey remember the bat headed midget from the Cantina that wanted a glass of juice? He's been divorced for years and barely knows his children.

"During the rape I noticed several vines swollen with grape nearby, so we decided to call it Vinland."

Mountain Dew Throwback Throwback is available in the finer hilltops and backwaters of this great nation.

The Penny Pincher: Because who isn't in this economic slump?
Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum: Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland movie did BOFFO BOX OFFICE!
Orca: Free Willy was 18 years ago, the people are hungry for orcas again.

Other T.G.I.Friday's cinematic commercials

Yes which of these arts is your favorite? Personally I'd love to have Busty PTA Wizard hanging above my mantlepiece.

I have a feeling a lot of museums would have an "Art of half priced Cuervo Shots" exhibit if they needed to get some butts through the door, so we should follow this line of logic with caution.