Llama cull weekend

The Comments Section of Shanarrah
Remember the Shanarrah books? One of the blander Xerox's of Tolkiens works, but it had a weird post-apocalyptic context. Like there were big metal spires they stayed away from because they made you sick (huge old satellite dishes).

Too true Monkeylint. Loved the book, but he was stroking off nerds a little too vigorously sometimes.

Why wouldn't humans be among the ultimate survivors? With our bunkers and potted meat food products?

Me neither, but I guess I've seen a lot of his movie. The Warriors, Undisputed, Wild Bill, Geranimo, Last Man Standing, Brewster's Millions.

BoomShaka, has it ever once occured to you that maybe you're a brain in a jar being fed stimulus and that nothing you experience is real, including Paul Reiser's behavior on that night?

Something from Jim Henson's Creature Shop

A little gold can really class up a boring dog.

Oh so it never comes up in conversation and you get a ton of stupid questions like vegans? I suppose that's for the best.

But seriously I don't know how you put up with the attention you must get.

One of three thing can pass through your head when meeting a Wiccan:
2. Can you do spells for me? No? Asshole.
3. But Jeeeeeeeezzzzzuuuuuuuussssssss!

Michael Jackson dead at 50
Last year at a park in Munich I found this huuuuuuge Michael Jackson shrine. Pictures, signs, candles, the whole 9 yards. Bavaria is still feeling the pain in 2010.

Is this the Earth 2 version of Grape Ape then?

Worse than Turkish Superman?

Yeah whatever DAD!

If you have perfect posture and a full afro, then sneaking in a mini-keg of Heineken is child's play.

Chris Tucker as Doc Holiday: "Man they call you Sitting Bull but you always flinging bull! SHAMON!"

Everyday I open up the paper and I'm not in the Hobit's is a good day.

Doc: "Now let's go get something to eat."
Sitting Bull: "Did you make reservations???"
*everyone laughs, freeze frame, credits roll*

Frederic fucking Chopin.

I'm seein' doubleā€¦ four Batmans!