Llama cull weekend

I'll have six Schlitzseseses.

Ow my burger bit me!

What I miss from Seattle are those teriyaki places that will sell you a stack of chicken, rice and slaw the size of your torso for like $5.

*pours maple syrup onto the driveway and starts lapping it up like a dog*

Ha ha, the rich, they're just like us!
*gobbles up $5 Foot Long laying on the carpet without hands, like a snake*

Now now, let he who has never had a concerned party unsuccessfully try to wrestle candy out of their diabetic paws only to spill them all over the floor and start eating them up like a piggy pig pig pig cast the first stone.

Yeah I knew what you were getting at, I'm just saying it's a forgettable movie.

*noodly guitar riff*

I've even seen Four Brothers, but I can't remember what you're talking about.

Four Brothers 2: Five Brothers

I'm going to upend all of your ice cube trays, crack all of 'em onto the floor, and kick 'em all over the place even right under the stove.

I think it's Calvinball.

The Brady Bunches' Cousin Oliver and Jabba the Hutt.

10 - 1 - wierd al - THE FART SONG.mp3 75% downloaded

Yeah what Beast Rabin said. It's not about sex at all, it's about the inbetween times and not wanting to drown them in a shallow pool of cola everytime they open their stupid bottle-fed mouths.

They speak in metaphor, myth and story so much, I think they all have a hard-on for making their own heroic story, so hell yes steak knives.

The Muppets were hilarious and surprisingly good at improv.

Speaking of Alexander, I got cut a mad deal on vacation for this hotel in Prague where every room is designed around a famous general from history. We got the Alexander the Great room, which had a giant oil painting of Colin Ferrel as Alexander from Alexander. With tiny, tiny hands.

*walks back and forth in front of the Land O' Lakes display while wearing tight fitting coudaroy pants*

But being pathetic is my wildest fantasy!