Llama cull weekend

Milk, milk, lemonade! 'Round the corner pizza birthday cake ice cream!

A corn cob had a divided body, so it is clearly an insect.

There's a ton of bad things you can say about Rifts, but "boring" isn't one of them.

Abed has a d20 most of the time.

The scene, before Annie got involved (I've lost you all already, haven't I?), really resonated with my D&D experience. There's nothing more awkward than roleplaying any sort of romance or sex with your greasy friends.

Maybe Americans can get a job playing Northstar in an Alpha Flight movie?

As the White Stripes I plan on viewing myself with my shirt off at the nearest opportunity (I hope I'm Meg!).

"Go pick up my daughter from lacrosse practice AND DO IT WEARING THIS!"

I too enjoy movies strictly along racial lines.

Bringing Down The House: "Here's a bunch of good reasons why we don't use white people."

Good question. Off the top of my head, there's 21 and The Last Airbender where they went with caucasian actors for no good reason.

And the less said about when we put her in charge of supplies, the better.

I get it, pretty good.

Sports bra… or invisible forcefield???

The Whizzer.

I'm still fond of The Girl In The The Dirty Shirt. Still, a bit long now that you mention it.

The fight scenes in Mortal Kombat blew my mind. It was before I started watching Hong Kong kung fu movies, but they still hold up reasonably well.

All the titilation of The Grind, except your parents are asleep!

I find her comely, and fair to look upon.

Yeah it was endearing.