Llama cull weekend

Pawn Stars is a fun show
Bald Guy: What do you have for me here?
Customer: A banana peel owned by Ham the Astrochimp.
Bald Guy: Do you want to sell it or pawn it?
*Chumlee slips on the banana peel*
Customer: Life is an unending parade of banality marching to the drum of an indifferent God.
Bald Guy: I'll give you $200 for

Aye, I took many ah lump
But t'was all in good fun!

Can this hair whipping be ghost rid? Confirm/deny?

Yeah I never really understood the complaint that the game doesn't feel apocalyptic enough. It's 200+ years after the bombs fell, so why should it? The genre has tons of examples of when society tries to rebuild, like it does in this game. Look at the later chapters of A Canticle for Leibowitz, for instance.

"Brick Breaking" doesn't really come into its own until you spin it for the 100th time. I used to hate it and now it's all I listen to.

But it's a game review why isn't it reviewing the game OUCH, MY ASPBERGER'S!

Someone did a parody version called "I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus," which was pretty funny for what it was, but then they puss out at the end and make Santa his wife.

They're going to need to start cloning Spider-Mans at this rate.

We always ended up talking to JFK with a Ouija board
Because he is a very chatty ghost and not because his initials are easy to spell quickly by sneaky children.

I have a cinder block sized rare Earth magnet trained at my computer at all times in case the AV Club gets up to any tricks.

Blood bricks from your butthole, incidentally, is the entire Simplfied English Wikipedia entry on dysentery.

I can see pachyderms by the dashboard light.

I submit that Paul Blart: Mall Cop was a bad Fat Guy Fall Down movie
The film bent over backwards to make Paul Blart a sympathetic character and excuse away his weight. Chris Farley iss rolling in his grave.

Audience: When are they going to get to the fireworks factory? *softly cries*

I recall during the last film series Adam West wanted to play "Uncle Batman." I'm going to chose to call that a rumor because it is awesome.

That's it, spread it all over the lefsa you slut.

The coronation of Pepin, who was annointed with oil brought down from heaven by the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove.

The supernatural and superstitions are hardly monopolized by religion. Faeries would have told him to do it.

Which is to say, at the end of the book series he had the Horn.

I thought Wolves of the Challah was fun. I'm less offended by sneetches and Doombots than most people, I suppose.