Llama cull weekend

But wax on, wax off was partially for upper body strength!

The remake was a commercial for MODERN CHINA! with a somehow much more unrealistic fight tournament. And Jackie Chan's characters problems felt shallower than Miyagi's. Just my opinion.

You need to actually fight in your martial art and you need to make sure they aren't taught by self credentialed fat power trippers. I feel like a Venn diagram would be useful right now.

Yeah judo is amazing, I love it. It may seem less violent, but it's hard to think so when you get flipped, choked or arm-barred. Plus anything you learn in class you can use in a match, so you can have complete confidence in your abilities.

I thought the original movie had a very California, um, terroir to it. With the pretty blonde people running around having fun and what the sizable Asian population had to put up with.

It starts with the samurai swords and before you know it, they come for the nunchakus, the baseball bats with a railroad tie pounded through them, the squirt guns full of Tabasco and pee-pee.

You must have ah biiiiiig problem with your mother's religious convictions you need ah Hanzo steel.

More alcohol = better than.

Forgetting the latest in light and sub-light beers, the worst beer I ever had was a barleywine from 4 Brothers in Reno, it was way under hopped so it was like drinking watered down molasses. Blech.

@Pig in Zen

My Dogfish Head experiences: drink a bottle, say "hey that's pretty interesting and tasty," then never drink the beer again. It's not everyday beer, but it sure is interesting. It's always the booth to hit up at the Great American Beer Festival, they always have something wild.

Cake Boss: "Mia familia!"
*director holds up MORE ITALIAN! sign*
Cake Boss: "Miiiiiaaaaaaa faaaammmiiiillliiiaaaaa…"

Oh shit there's an owl now, this is getting intense.

C is for Conspiracy and that's good enough for me.

I saw some people doing this on the Vegas strip recently
My favorites were Beavis and Butthead, with paper mache heads and prominent breasts.

My favorite Superman episode was definitely "Mxyzpixilated."

Whenever something is inexplicably popular it's probably because people a lot younger or older than you love it. For comics, I'd blame old people.

The actors are going to have their neural pathways mapped into computers. The universe will never know a time without The Simpsons.

Dippin' dip and punching strangers like Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers.

Welcome failure, please make yourself at home, I'm sure you know where the coat rack is by now.