Llama cull weekend

Meant Chris Tucker.

Over The Top: Cub3d
Scene: final match of the Rubix Cube World Championships

Over The Top: Cub3d
Scene: final match of the Rubix Cube World Championships

Me in high school: "Species? More like FECES! Heh."

This is our world now. The world of the electron and the switch; the beauty of the baud. We exist without nationality, skin color, or religious bias. You wage wars, murder, cheat, lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals. Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is liking Gloria

Elegant Victorian Lady: best gimmick?

Have you ever seen a corgi in a clow outfit? Rainbow fright wig and the whole 9 yeards? You'll be smiling for a week. Those people are heroes. HEROES!

Another animal people react to in movies is horses. When that horse nuzzled, then saved a half-drowned Aragorn in LOTR: The Two Towers, the collective, gushing "AAAWWWWW!" from all of the 40-year old spinsters in the audience had the power of a thousand, million hurricanes.

Drink your drugs, don't do school, stay in milk.

My favorite Weird Al song.

This year I noticed despite loving grunge/alternative in my youth, I have maybe 10 songs like that on my iPod right now, so it's a very timely article for me. And well written.

I never saw that the entire fetish doll scene BUT I READ THE BOOOOOOOK so does

I like the country music choices this time out, although if I hear Johnny Guitar again it'll be too soon.

Big iron on his hiiiiiiiiip

New Zealand may be forced to export Lemon & Paeroa to make ends meet, which suits me right down to the ground.

I'm doing hardcore. It's not that difficult yet, but it ads some interesting flavor.

Dinkerton: We're Just Resting Our Eyes (TM)

"And Riker yo uniform look like a dogs blanket." *turns on boombox blasting Fuck The Police, puts it on shoulder, moon walks into the Turbo Lift*

Is that her Indian name?

The tit sucking is a rider in Lambert's contract. The directors just find it more tasteful to put it in the movie than to hire a prostitute for him.