Llama cull weekend


I'll have you know both Dasani and Aquafina have a parts-per-million urine content well below the lethal toxicity level for humans.

But you're still coming out, right Arsenio? *adjust bowtie, checks breath*

Okay now the villain is Carnage. Wish granted! Thank me later.

Paste Pot Pete!

Yeah I am SICK and TIRED of Kid Rock never getting his due around hergahahahahahagahhagahahahaha

Bear taught the tribes of man to use a pine cone and wipe WITH the grain, not against it.

And with a little luck and a touch of leprachaun magic, you can become a giant Michael Jackson robot that flies everywhere shooting missles and lasers, IIRC.

I didn't care for House of Flying Daggers either. All I remember is that they cast a bunch of pop stars so they had to use too many special effects.

~*~ You can use this version to press flowers. ~*~

I'm sorry, the correct answer was, "ya'll been Spunk'd!"

Hey I'll be the first to defend the concept of space westerns, but it added nothing to this movie. Like the journalist had a fancy recording device instead of a notepad and the dust in the street was space-dust. Everyone was dressed like a cowboy. A man got hanged. No sci-fi element what-so-ever.

He flushes dirty urinals next to him even if he didn't personally use that urinal.

You SHEEP and your RIGHTSIDE-OUT SOCKS. Feh. Feh, I say.

Did anyone else ever see "A Town Has Turned to Dust?" He gets lots of scenery to chew on. It's a Western, but it takes place in space for no good reason.

Greek taco.

Yeah, hoboes or Renn Faire types would eat with a knife, I would think. Maybe an old farmer eating an apple or some summer sausage.

It's a waste of perfectly good beer, I know exactly what you're talking about.

So what's this movie about? Some sort of BattleTruck?

When you go to Europe you see people beating off on the street corner in plain view everyday and no. One. Cares.