Llama cull weekend

His masturbation was a planned explosion.

For who among us has never seen a really sexy petoroglyph and just started the Play-Doh machine right then and there?

Kenny needs to shup up until he starts winning challenges again. Angelo needs to shut up always.

I remember loving the Alec Baldwin film. That flying dagger with needle teeth was scary.

I still remember my brother pulling a New Coke (in its Coke II form) out of the back of a drink fridge at some roadside attraction in Montana around 1996. It was like finding a fossil.

He's Vladimir Lenin's creepy brother.

First Grey Pube: A Bieber Retrospective from his Armored Dome in the Ruins of New Detroit

I have a rare mental disorder that doesn't allow me to recognize phallic objects, making every public consumption of a popscicle an embarassing spectacle. Therefore, I rely on the media to inform me when something is or isn't phallic.

His stories seem tricky to film. The horror comes from the setup and mood. Without that, his creatures are a bit silly. So having a budget and some vision is going to help a lot.

They also tend to throw a lot of money around in the American version, like paying for a complete restaurant makeover, which bugs me for some reason.

Goddammit people, I'm trying to have a nice Simpsons quote-fest here. This should happen automatically.

The Soviet Union? I thought you guys broke up.
Yes, that's what we wanted you to think! Bwahahahaha.

WWZ is a pretty breezy yarn. If the idea of an anti-Zombie handgun that is said to resemble the Transformer Megatron by the troops doesn't make the eyes roll out of your head, then you'll enjoy it.

Pitt is going to play the Chinese "patient zero."

Obama bought the house in 2005 for $1.5 million (nice price for a $4 million house, if I do say so myself) and his income that year was about $1.5 million, mostly from the first proceeds of his book sales.

Oh my goodness I hope there are goggles.

Two things:

Huuuuuuuuuge fuckoff granite Indians.

Glad to see Jerimiah Johnson get a mention. A very enjoyable movie that always seemed like it should be more popular than it is. The plot should resonate with anyone who played Red Dead Redemption this year.

Is the ending to the first game addressed at all in the new game?