Llama cull weekend

Yeah "[x current popular group] is better than The Beatles!" is a great way to find someone who is intellectually at the "baby's first edgy opinion" stage of development.

Andre I should probably see that, but I'm afraid for my purposes it will reinforce her side of the argument.

Agreed Fidel.

Jackie Chan: Good actor?
This is the days long argument my fiancee and I have been having. I'm not even saying he's a great actor, just a good one (although he is Marlon Brando compared to other kung fu movie stars). She says he is a great entertainer, but that's it, and she's only familiar with his later day English

Midnight in the Garden of a Couple of Predators.

They say fenugreek is used to flavor artificial maple syrup.

Quoting Jesus from The Last Temptation of Christ instead of The Bible
*begins slow clap*

Krausening always seemed like a pain-in-the-ass reserved for those special snowflakes that think the Reinheitsgebot is a good thing (you can't add corn or table sugar, see).

Don't forget that cans are also a lot cheaper to ship, being lighter.

I've read that in Aztec days to drink this stuff you needed to be a brewer, an old person, or born on the day 2-Rabbit, because that meant you were predestined to be a huge drunk. It made me want to try it.

They also cook the shit out of the beechwood so you can't possibly taste it. Rustic beer it ain't.

I had some Dale's Pale Ale soured in a Stranahan's whiskey barrel and it was The Best Thing.

Time helps with, um, "country wine"
The yeast drops out of suspension (no more yeast flavor or aroma) and the taste mellows out.

Once you start spumping, you'll never go back to jpumping.

According to Wikipedia, the asian characters in that scene are all names of anime characters gahahahahaha

"Anbo-jitsu, the ultimate evolution in the martial arts!"
Mmmmmm that's good expository dialogue.

Lego 3: The Search for the Red Angled Piece, You Know, One Side Is Longer Than The Other And There's A Hinge. There Was A Head Stuck To It A Minute Ago.

Someone better ooOOoppoen up a window.

I was just thinking the same could be said for a lot of martial arts movies.

I thought QT had a lot of balls shooting the scene where The Bride first meets Hitori Hanzo the way he did and that scene still makes me laugh.