Llama cull weekend

Too much blog-salt
Has left my blog-heart with hyperblogtension.

I'd like to discuss Padma's intangible qualities now.

If you put that on haggleBay, I'm willing to offer a dozen fresh chicken eggs and a baby duck.

Whizzer! Oh who are we kidding, he's an A-lister for sure.

A compelling argument for motion controls: people will pay tons of cash money for it just to play Wii Sports and shovelware crap.

The untold story is that Derl Toro got caught in a stoat trap and so great and public was his humiliation that he can never set foot in NZ again.

Killer Croc was just a circus freak originally, iirc. Strong, but not superhumanly so. Still, i can't think of much for him to do that is interesting.

I saw that in the mood for a good old fashioned mystery and did not appreciate the twist ending one bit.

Return of the Dragon had a tagline that called Bruce Lee the master of "kung fu/karate," which is about half right, so really this is a step backward.

I'm not sure how a janitor can teach a kid anything related to the words "8 drunken fairies" without the law being involved at some point.

Yeah Trurl is right. Kitchen Confidential is great, but it's a book you can only write once.

I like gin, but if you're being honest it's vodka flavored with juniper berries.

Gin is flavored alcohol, dummy.

So crimes where the thief has impeccable taste should have lowest priority, okay, got it.

Got a quarter? Answer your telephone.

Auto-erotic asphyxiation takes another talented young man
*wipes away a single perfect tear*

That was pretty good, Shore Patrol.

…the Mormon halted, facing Holmes, and stretched its shadowy hide to full height, as tall as the sky itself, its form rimmed with demonic fire.

I pre-ordered on Amazon, but got the cheapest shipping. They put it on a slow boat to and from China, so I won't get to play until the 25th or so. Goddammit.

They say he come from the other side, the SPIRIT WORLD
Great headline. I remember liking Predator 2 a lot more than its reputation would warrant.