Llama cull weekend

… this bottle of Tabasco, our water glasses, the creamers, and the salt and pepper shakers.

The last time I was in Blockbuster they tried to sell me some premium membership complete with monthly dues. The owner got really angry when I wouldn't hear him out.

Goodness gracious do the Belgians have some good beer.

Dang forgot about Luthor. Good point, then.

I don't know Kyle those villains in Superman II had the same backstory so there was a lot less time wasted.

You're not alone. Remeber the latter day Batman's before the Nolan reboot, Lest We Forget.

Well, not "that" Step by Step, I mean Step by Step in general.

Oh shit I remember that Ape.

Felt Pelt, the idea is that newborn babies see a large masked face (the doctor) and that's where the fear of greys come from.

Zack Galafanakis said it was the Chixie Dicks.

This is all reminding me a little too much of Spider-Man's Clone Saga.

"Then why did I have the bowl, Bart? Why did I have the bowl?"

I also love how Arnold basically seduces the schlubby Australian into "knife fighting" him at the end.

Guy gets Parkinson's and can't stop shaking long enough to see what the Magic 8 Ball says.

Oh man slather all of that "All Summer Long" hate all over my naked body, that song is the worst. The worst.

Fucktard, first you must acquire enough moonshine or renatured industrial alcohol to fill your bathtub. Second, you jitterbug on down to the local grocery or drug store and buy yourself some juniper essence or Scotch flavoring or one of dozens of products meant soley to flavor bootleg hooch which remained perfectly

I will smash your face into a car windshield, and then take your mother, Dorothy Mantooth, out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again!

I was born a poorly-written gay black man.


Geordi as identification figure?
I never watched much of the early episodes, but Geordi always seemed like the identification figure to me. He's a dork like the audience and unlike most of the crew, he has a sense of humor.