Llama cull weekend

See cousin Merl was playing fetch with Gooch, that's our old smell hound
Gooch gone to heaven, Mr. Terrwilliger

It's leprachaun pud.

I hate-finished Moby Dick when I was 17 and it wasn't an enjoyable experience. Try to have a good attitude, Jason!

You know, I haven't trusted myself enough to watch a Kurosawa movie that didn't have samurai in it. I need to watch Ikiru this year.

The last word from Gallagher was, "Get a load of those bozos!" while his novelty bow-tie started spinning.

A few years ago Leno was performing in Vegas and tickets were $100 a pop.

Grow, I mean,

I think stagnates grom from the ceiling of the cave and maglites grow from the floor.

A Gentlemans Guide to Beating Urchins with Sticks and Surviving Gutter Fights and The Attacks of a Gin Blossomed Women of Ill-Repute Over Matters of Recompense.

Sherlock Holmes has the resume of an action hero, even if he never got up to much in the stories, up to and including the martial arts:

Too true. Every family friendly environment becomes instantly more tolerable with lefsa and liter glasses of Dopplebock, in my opinion.

Quite right Oh the Possibilities, that's definitely combining meat and dairy.

The vodka isn't going to do shit, they're used to drinking white lightning out of a used gasoline can.

Where the crabs aren't real?

Fred's Dead: The Final Nightmare

Aaaawww, why is Smegma Princess #7 always checked out????

Agreed on all points, Perfect Tommy.

"Double Jameson, directly into my mouth."

Any brewers here? My Christmas beer this year is a cinnamon cherry dubbel. It tastes as obnoxious as it sounds at the moment, hopefully it will settle down by Christmas time.

Steven Segal was never as big as he is now!