Llama cull weekend

Cleaning a rice cooker is super easy, as long as you remember to fill the bowl with water and let it soak for an hour or so (or overnight).

I have also just seen Battlefield Earth and only because of Rifftrax.

That's what happens when you don't hail to the chimp!

Maybe you can throw in malt vinegar, lemon and tartar sauce somehow. They always come with fish and chips.

As long as we're assigning mythical wee folk to Kevin, at my house we call him "Gimli."

Mutants and Masterminds is pretty cool. Really elegant character creation system, as I recall.

World War Z was fun, even if a few times I pictured some nerd writing it with one hand on the keyoard. One example: the .22 pistols they use against zombies are described as looking like Megatron from the Transformers.

"I vant a light."

A definite holdover is taking off your straw hat and punching through the top of it.

Erik: Contrast that with Best of the Best training montage where the American fight team uses modern sport training whereas the Korean team karate chops trees in the snow.

Tom Cruise is Paste Pot Pete
Well, a guy can dream.

I think the lead singer actualy fashioned his image after an overstuffed sausage. Agree to disagree.

… and that man who asked for a ham was a young Walt Disney. And now you know the rest of the story.

I heard on NPR that Radio Shack is making money in this economy and they mentioned that Onion article. Apparently, they focus on one hot gadget at a time. For insatnce, they've been making money hand over fist on the analog to digital TV converters lately.

Rock Lords 2: Why Would Anyone Want To Play With A Robot That Turns Into A Rock?

If you watch any part of "Game of Death" that isn't Bruce Lee fighting his way through the tower, then you're doing it wrong.

I'm glad to see people finally sticking up for the end of the Dark Tower (Elitist Trash, et al.). I'm tired of the haters, tired.

Coyote is always leading me on with genuine stock tips, then lying to me when I spend big. And he fucked my wife.

Paint Your Wagon is hilarious and They Call The Wind Mariah is a beautiful song, fuck the haters.

I really love the Lone Wolf comics, so I couldn't get into the movies. They couldn't find an Ogami Itto that didn't eat pie for every meal?