Perry Diddle

I've never seen the PetSmart ad so I have no idea what you are talking about but assuming that it's really Freddie/Queen and not a sound-a-like, the "fault" lies with whomever controls the publishing for the song you heard. That may be Queen or it may not be.

I doubt it. . May and Roger Taylor have been joined at the hip on any and all Queen related things since Mercury's death. If anything, Taylor seems to be a bit more in charge and pragmatic about the band's legacy and current activities. May could have been concerned about the film focusing too much on Freddie's

Obviously you haven't seen the secret last episode of The Dick Van Dyke show where Laura is caught in a three-way with Sally and Buddy and then leaves Rob for some crusty old new director at a podunk television station in the Midwest. It's a classic.

Well, that's a couple of hundred words more than I could ever write about Bruce Willis. Once I get "smirky, bald guy, sourpuss king of "straight to DVD" flicks" on paper I 'm pretty much stuck.

Golly, fat people are so funny!

I am fresh out of fucks to give. Damn.

For fuck's sake, is the bar for artistic merit set so low that narcissistic drivel like this gets any serious consideration? Perhaps Mr. Kardashian is at that peculiar point in his career arc where it's cool to like him simply because he tries so hard to be unlikable. Of course, once the contrary hipsters move on to

I think they enjoy Clooney because they and he seem to have fun poking holes in his Cary Grant-ish movie star persona. Clooney, with his GQ cover good looks, could easily fall into that stereotype but refuses to take it (or Hollywood seemingly) very seriously. That makes him a good fit for the Coens who also play in

Wrongo bubba . . . I didn't much care for any of the characters in the film which is why I think the film is so flawed. Then again, it's just a movie so the fuck cares?

I'm one of those Coen brothers fans and I was looking forward to seeing this movie. I walked out of the theater fairly disappointed. The movie had some moments but they were too brief and too few. This seemed like a thin excuse to play around with different genres of film making. It looked great and some scenes were

Communist parties especially.

Actually, Sandman is a tribute band to another Metallica tribute band. They only have to be almost as good as a band that is not as good as the real band.

"In point of fact" if there isn't a gratuitous lingering shot of a woman's feet Ima gonna want my money back.

Stan runs off with Sal Romano. Imagine, a thing like that!

Here's my Mad Men essay synopsis, character by character.

A dark comedy about the housing bubble. I'll bet there are some fairly recently minted homeless folks who'd find this flick a laff-riot.

If you are ever looking for some fantastic entertainment, find a group of drummers (McDonald's is a good start) and mention that you think Neil Peart is a lousy drummer. Hilarity will ensue!

Not denying McCartney's talents but some of Geoff's comments especially regarding Harrison and Starr were just petty and unnecessary. I wanted to enjoy the book more than I did but his jaded girlfriend tone was just too much. If it's technical info you want, "Recording the Beatles" by Kevin Ryan and Brian Kehew will

Really? I thought Geoff Emerick's book was horribly flawed. When he's not patting himself on the back, he's blowing smoke up McCartney's ass. His fey little digs at the other EMI staff, George Martin and the other three Beatles got tiring really fast. Pity too since he's one of the few people left who have some

Carol Kaye is going to be so pissed off when she sees that Wrecking Crew reference.