
I love you, Sonia. I know this is the type of show that just isn't even worth mention here on AV Club, but I'm SO GLAD you review it because someone needs to talk about what a piece of shit it is. It could have been a great movie! A great 90-minute movie. With a different cast. And a different storyline.

The Grey's musical episode. Admirable or super embarrassing???

What a great review! Thank you Todd!

I always stay up until the AV Club review is posted of my favorite shows, and I'm so happy that you guys did a review of the GG finale, like I hoped you would. But OH MY GOSH was this the most disappointing thing I've ever read on my favorite site.

I always stay up until the AV Club review is posted of my favorite shows, and I'm so happy that you guys did a review of the GG finale, like I hoped you would. But OH MY GOSH was this the most disappointing thing I've ever read on my favorite site.

Donna, your reviews are amazing. I LOVE reading them! I love TV more than all but about three people I've ever met, but I couldn't hope to write reflections as great as yours. You piece things together that astound me. I mean, your observations are pretty great, but more importantly they make me realize the amazing

Donna, your reviews are amazing. I LOVE reading them! I love TV more than all but about three people I've ever met, but I couldn't hope to write reflections as great as yours. You piece things together that astound me. I mean, your observations are pretty great, but more importantly they make me realize the amazing

I liked the episode (gave it an A- for the pretty amazing ending), but I definitely rolled my eyes at the convenience of it all, and thought you'd probably have something to say about it =) I love your reviews. I think everyone here appreciates a thoughtful critique of the show from someone who really appreciates it