
Grade's up now — sometimes the CMS gets weird and doesn't let me assign a grade. And, it does.

For about 10 seconds each, I couldn't remember Nick's, Jake's, or Melissa's while writing this.

I feel you. I think the only thing that's really keeping some optimism in the tank for me is all those damn murders. Like, that HAS to be headed somewhere, right? Dawn and Charles can't kill Cassie's mom, Faye's grandfather, and Melissa's boyfriend without there being some kind of satisfying payoff, right? RIGHT? I

Ha. Nah, I gave it a B+ — for some reason the system's not letting me grade it right now. That happens occasionally with the show I cover regularly, actually.

Oh, y'all, me too. I always have cared least about that. I treat this as a hang out sitcom, and ever since Marshall's dad died, more often than not, it's been a good hang out sitcom.

My great attachment to Faye is mostly that when I sit down to write these, her parts of the episodes usually stand out in my notes and while I let it replay as I write. It's rare that if she's in a scene it's bad. Probably a poor choice of words above with "save," but I like the character, and she and Chris Zylka

I wish there had been a reply text, once she went back to her house.

I normally agree with @avclub-ea93d61158b479315c8e0d4cd003ec35:disqus about that dynamic in shows — I like watching teams work together — but here, I'm sort of charmed by it? They're really playing on it well, to me, with these ensemble scenes, where even if they all liked each other, there'd be tension if only

Don't think this is much of a spoiler, so: I read a few weeks back they were casting for a (male) cousin of Melissa's, so maybe she'll be returning with said cousin.

Re: Henry's body, that was the first thing I thought. How long has he been there? Like…a month??

Yeah, I found that frustrating. I am willing to forgive it in this episode and grant it another one to rectify it because a. he was entertaining, b. she DID lock the door on him at the end, and c. both Melissa and Faye seem awfully suspicious of him. The real issue is Zylka comes off too smart to not be suspected, and

That outfit was insane. And awesome. Actually forgot this little throwaway line: Faye invited the entire drama club, just so she could raid their decorations. She's the best.


I agree with both y'all on this count, so I guess this is the waiting game to figure out if the elements surrounding improve and we all can just laugh and laugh in a year about the time Diana and Adam Nancy Drewed it up.

Man, I felt like the only characters we got a deeper understanding of were Nick and Melissa, who really don't need it — he's That Guy, she's the girl who wants to date That Guy because she has sidekick syndrome.

I really thought about not watching TVD before SC, because I knew it would suffer in comparison and I didn't want to be total doom and gloom reviewing it. I wouldn't be stunned though if they tweak the cast a little — they need a few more guys, IMO, which occurred to me watching this after watching TVD. But those

I THINK both the parents were the witches from the old failed circle, but this is what I need: I need somebody to stop growing herbs in the Restoration Hardware
Witchcraft Barn and mock up a family tree on the wall for Cassie to look at.

The weird part is Thomas Dekker is actually pretty good, but that whole light bulb scene cracked me up, and then again when he was squinting at Diana. It's like accidental cheesiness, and it is excellent.


Yeah, as I said above, while I don't think it's awful or anything, I wasn't super up for watching more. We're at the point right now with the supernatural permeation into pop culture, that I'm like half-expecting it to happen to me — so either pilots like this could either afford to go a little more shorthand with