
So glad to see that a couple of handsome white dudes are finally getting a chance to be on tv!

With Breaking Bad, those of us who want to see the villain have his great defeat can just pretend everything ended after Ozymandias or in the frozen car… HOC just never let's FU get too close to drowning.

Yeah, it's hard to see Mia Farrow as blameless in this whole thing, or as though Woody Allen turned pervy in his mid fifties and his long term girl friend had no idea.

Is that why the last line was "Let's stick to Rampart?"

The story of how a Brooklyn addict gets his dental license back and enters Indiana politics?

Yeah, I haven't seen anything with her to explain his weird, but she certainly does make him seem comparatively normal.

As does Marnie!

I made a "where's Haddie" joke while watching this with my parents tonight and my dad literally had forgotten that she existed to the extent that we had to point her hiding in a corner of the opening credits.
So… good job, Katims?

It's good to know what Katims line on "bringing up things from characters past" is.

No half measures, chicanery's brain.

That has something to do with Walter White taking over a college meth cooking team in Florida, right?

I think part of what made the "remember that thing you like" elements work is that they were there in the background, but (unlike community) that's not what the show, or an episode, was about. The Anne/Gob wedding works regardless of the name of the church, but calling it his eternal rapture and having a massive H E R