Gayer than Christmas

And "comedienne" is a limp dick of a word.

I think people miss the boat with Chelsea Handler. The format of her show is shit, but she's funny within it and makes fun of it while she does it. Also, I enjoyed "My Horizontal Life."

I have a huge appreciation for "Friends with Money."

Scatteredsong - I never listened to Ms. Badu's music until I saw her do a reading on Def Poetry Jam for a class in college.

Santos - the show was called "John Mayer Has a TV Show" and I enjoyed it quite a bit.

They say the hardest part of rollerblading is, um, telling your parents you're gay. And I've got to say I found that to be true today.

If you like _Oh No_, check out Phantom Planet's self-titled release.

In said death match, would Guy have access to his new line of Guy Fieri Knuckle Sandwich Knives?

Is it really apeshit rambling though?

Zack de la Rocha

No Coochie?
Am I mistaken or is itunes really not going to offer the opening track to this album? ODB on a blues track alone is worth the price of the album.

My parents host Christmas dinner for the extended family and close friends each year and it always concludes with a roundtable tasting of my dad's weird-ass menagerie of alcohol gifted from foreigners.

@ Terry1 - from what I understand, what comes out of a vagina (babies, lamps) has more effect on it's elasticity than what goes in. Not to say that large things going in wouldn't change the landscape, but if you encounter a lady with one that is looser than you would expect, it's more likely that she has had a kid

"I'm immersed in Kirstie Alley's thirsty valley."

@ Winchester - There's a terrific article on Dejuan Blair in the New York Times.

I enjoy _Logos_ a lot. Mr. Cox somehow manages to make whisper singing sound punk as fuck, and for that, I am grateful.

…Infomania? Anybody? No? Dust?
I have to say I enjoy The Soup quite a bit and Mr. McHale in particular.

Shit I still listen to Vol. 2. "Reservoir Dogs" is a career peak for every rapper on the song who is not Jay-Z.

I Am A Girl Drink Drunk - what cocktails can I order at the bar that would contain limoncello?

"Black Sweat" - a raspberry liqueur that comes in a paisley-patterned bottle topped with a scrap of polka dotted scarf and sealed with a wax that, when touched by human hands, becomes an excellent lubricant 4 Ur Erotic City down there and stuff.