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    This guy did an album with Celph Titled, who is blowing up. With his connections how has he been forced to retire?


    Failed failsies

    Never seen it, but this show has been on for a little while now, isn't the 1/2 man now almost 3/4 man?

    Prince of thieves.

    What the fuck
    is a Temple Grandin?

    Let's be fair
    I don't want to go five years without Brad.

    only shares some of his profile information with everyone. If you know Keith, send him a message or add him as a friend.

    Who is coming
    to my reverse flash mob?

    They are going on tour together.

    "Only one thing is certain: Depp's Mad Hatter will be THE notebook cover doodle of 2010."

    Damn, we did forget about Sleepy Hollow.

    and when I say fuck, I mean: no wonder I can't get a job.

    Went to my alma mater.

    I wonder if Alice will fall through a Hot Topic into Wonderland?

    Alice in Wonderland looks terrible.