
But hey — dead pilots rarely go anywhere else. So if NBC didn't pick it up, it's likely there'd be no Constantine anywhere. If you're a fan, I guess you can take solace that you got 13 versus 0.

Well, sure, People Are Talking is probably DOA. Undateable will probably do the same/better than a Constantine season 2 would do, given natural ratings erosion for Constantine. Pick your poison, and they went with the one they like more that's probably cheaper and they could get better ad sales out of. And Undateable

But Constantine also had a genre-appropriate lead in. Laura did not. Laura does marginally better in the 25-54 demo, so I'd assume you'd get more marginal ad revenue out of Laura vs Constantine. Will Laura make it past its second season order? Probably not. But neither would've Constantine.

I would say, honestly, Laura probably has the better upside, long-term than Constantine does.

Well, Laura is a 22 episode procedural and Constantine is a 13 episode serial-proceudral. Which one do you think Warner Bros. would save, if given the chance? Not to say its a zero sum game, but there are only so many slots. Undateable and Laura probably mean more to Warner Bros. (and NBC) than Constantine ever did.

Laura is a lot cheaper than Constantine.

I know, stringing his fans along who have no knowledge of how the television landscape works whose tweets will do absolutely nothing to get the show picked up at another network is doing whatever it takes to save his show. Right. Not instilling false hope and being overly optimistic. Like when he tweeted out that they


Also, the Constantine showrunner is suuuuuuuch a douche for stringing his fans along. It's one thing like with Mindy (which, according to those in the know, seems like will close soon for Hulu) where she just shuts up until a deal is closed and the ts are dotted. But this douche has to tweet every time someone takes a

If we tweet #SaveHappyEndings just a little bit more…

But only one is completely new to TV — Bobak. And he's the best.

What? Every writer on Helix has been staffed before, except two staff writers - Bobak Esfarjani and Tiffany Greshler. And Tiffany co wrote an episode last season.


That was a good episode.

They have nothing else — they can run all 18 before The Voice comes back if they want to. About a Boy now only has 20 episodes, so that'll leave 2 unaried, though they could always get creative.

I couldn't disagree more about the way the show was shot — it was ugly and looked awful, like every light fixture had been smeared in vaseline. Dark is fine, but everything about the direction, lighting really took away from the experience. Even the sound mixing occasionally drowned out the dialog.

Well, that had to be one of the most semen-centric episodes of television I've seen in quite some time.

I was really impressed with her this season, and yeah, I couldn't believe it when I learned it was her in Gone Girl.

Bumpy ride, but I liked it more than I didn't and I'd absolutely be there for season 2.

THIS is the episode of the series and where it finally all became something real and palpable. Please renew, Amazon.