expert textpert

hand holding
Can we please talk about the callback to the pilot? Where on her first day, Peggy put her hand on Don's, and he rejected her? And in tonight's final scene, he put his hand on hers? Beautiful. It made my heart hurt.

Why, Lisa why why?
You are tearing me apart Lisa!

I am excited for this
aw, thanks av club. So cool of you guys.

yes. go badgers.

Yeah, Fleet Foxes should have been squeezed in somewhere. Absolutely flawless album.

"Well, I may be a genius, but I'm not a lesbian"
"All dogs are blue now"

The birthday cake line was my faaaaavorite.

I thought the same thing, especially the "I'm a nurse and I know way more than these doctors!" line, but she's actually quite good and was probably my favorite part of the show.

This honky grandma be trippin'
Is from the first season of 30 Rock, correct? Maybe Chuck quoted it?

I looooove infomania. I want Sarah Haskins to be my BFF.

Does anyone here LIKE the Emmy's/ award shows? Not that they should be taken that seriously, but I always enjoy watching them.

Does anybody know who did that Simple Minds cover at the end? That's the moment I decided I really like this show.

gossip girl is back
I'm glad this show is being covered again. It's just plain fun.

Don and Jane
Does anyone else wonder about Don and Jane's relationship? There were tons of jokes when she first arrived about being desperate for Don's attention. When she knew he and Betty were having troubles, and she bought Don some new shirts, I think Don finally paid a little attention to her. Was his mentioning

I'm not sure when blackface originated, but I know it was popular in minstrel shows around the end of the civil war. They helped perpetuate black archetypes like the coon or the mammy (the inspiration for aunt Jemima). Roger was definitely playing a coon type character.

I'm just saying…it spoke highly of the advertising world? That's your complaint? At least give it credit for taking a more interesting stance on the field then the public apparently has.

don't hate
could we have gotten someone who doesn't hate advertising and respects its creativity and social impact to review this film?

Did whats-her-name who lost remind anyone else of Watts from Some Kind of Wonderful?

I got the idea that Sal and Don were helping each other out. You could tell Sal was a little blown away by how easily Don became this other persona and how quickly his lies came to him. Back at the office, the guys were begging him for details about his night on the town with Don Draper, and he said something about

Poor, poor Kings
NBC kicked it around, and now the AV Club won't even review it. Sad.