Fun Guy from Yuggoth

This guy's from Santa Monica and who gives a shit.

'Rain or Shine'

I definitely mean 'nonplussed'. He was clearly grappling with the confusion produced by 'It's STAR WARS!' vs 'It sucks.' We slightly more adult folks were all shell-shocked by how terrible it was, but we thought maybe the kid was into it…?

I made a comment that would be obviously sarcastic to anyone who regularly posts here

I saw Episode 1 in release with a nine-year-old boy and even he was nonplussed.

The Star Whacker

I kinda said that in a post just now,

I wonder if it's just guys coming too soon. Maybe I'm an outlier, but six out of seven women I've had long-term sexual relationships with could definitely orgasm from intercourse. Not always, and hey, 'extra help' is fun anyways, but we certainly could manage it. (Number seven had significant vulvodynia issues, and


'Another New World'? That was my favorite when I heard the Punch Brothers a year or two ago. A cover apparently of Josh Ritter who I've never heard … it's weird how you can just tell sometimes that a piece is a cover.

I call Dymphna.

My fleur-de-lis mask is at the ready.

Have you read Supposedly Fun Thing? It's in there.

Well I've put him back on my list. I'll check out the Crazy Horse book and Watson, I guess — any other suggestions?

I've only read Snow Leopard and I was thouroghly underwhelmed. I'm not sure I even finished it. My recollection is of endlessly boring musings on mountain landscapes — this review's claim for the 'muscularity' of his writing is baffling to me. Is Snow Leopard an outlier? It sounds like his fiction is maybe a different

Okay, just in case anyone needs technical information via AVC (poor souls): here is a list of popular sites that are or are not currently vulnerable to this problem (from this morning, things have probably changed by now). Yahoo is really the big one, if you're a user you should definitely change your password as soon

I could probably find a Yemeni cab driver in LA, yeah?

Sounds perfect. I'll look for it and send off a synopsis to my patron.

Yeah, putting nukes in the same class as the others is some pernicious bullshit.

I'm doing a project for someone to read, annotate, and summarize a whole stack of stuff. So far it's mostly mid-list pop sociology stuff — all of Malcolm Gladwell's books, which I'm OK with; some Thomas Friedman (ugh); four books from Daniel Pink, who I've never heard of but appears to be in the