

I suspect that this all has to do with the cultural context. In the UK, pre internet, the press had a huge influence, and people like Weller were always about and visible, even if their records ceased to be considered relevant. This means that they as people have disportionate weight to listeners, as opposed to just

To clarify, only the section of the population who like Oasis, read Mojo etc think he's any good. He was in a pretty good mod revival band until the early 80s, when he shafted his bandmates and formed one of the most critically reviled bands of the decade. He was a standing joke throughout most of the 90s for being

You Americans with your lack of British cultural context.
Paul Weller is a twat here, and much of his output is derided.

I am becoming tired of this. Scorsese is in love with evil men who happen to be in organised crime. Also, look out Itchy, he's Irish.

I saw Threads on acid once. It wasn't as unpleasant as I imagined it would be. My uncle used to swear by A Zed and Two Noughts for acid watching.

"Steven embraces who he really is—gay"
Something seems wrong here.

You wanted him
Now you have to keep him.

Dear people who like Tolkien,
Please stop behaving as if this bullshit is good. Like it if you must, but at least have the good grace to be ashamed about it. Jesus.