
I take it you've never had grief sex before? Or guilt sex before?

Hey iris you may die in 5 months or not it's a possibility, it may happen, i don't know, anyway let's celebrate Christmas.

Thea should curb stomp Evelyn in a fight, it shouldn't be close at all.

Does it actually take place in 2010 though? I'm not sure the show itself takes place in 2015. Season 2 takes place a few months after season 1 and season 3 takes place a few months after season 2. While the show has been on for 3 years, timeline wise I don't believe 3 years has passed.

I think Gotham should have been more like "Gotham Central" just a gritty police procedural set in the backdrop of Gotham. Batman can be mentioned in passing and they can still have their villains and deal with the mob. Instead they're trying to do everything and it doesn't fit as a timeline.

I feel the same way about Stephen Amell not being the Green Arrow in the movies..I think it's stupid period not to have a live action Batman or Superman TV series they repeatedly handcuff themselves all the time by limiting of who can and can't be used. Even though they control their own properties, it's not like they

It's not that much of a secret though, my sister isn't a comic fan but even she knew that the Marvel films were all tied together and take place in the same universe, no research involved but common sense says that ties in every superhero at that point in one movie took several years to develop starting with Iron Man.

In the new 52 Iris loves Bary but he doesn't know it yet so they'll more than likely end up together in the comic anyway. The new 52 sucks and with DC doing yet another reboot it's best not to go by the comics. The original Felcitiy Smoak opposed Firestorm and became his step-mother while the one in the new 52 is more

I don't want another Ollicity so I'm fine with them staying friends. I for once would like to see that on television just the main character not having a dozen or so contrived love interests that ultimately don't go nowhere. Even though she's Wally West's girl I'm interested to see how Linda Park is handled.

It's more that she was chosen because she "knows" the Flash which in her mind she doesn't know him. Before her hire we hadn't seen her type in her blog for a while and he stopped appearing in front of her. So she gets hired to do reports based on the idea she has intimate knowledge of someone she knows when she

I think the point was that Wells knows her personally and called on her expecting a softball question and she didn't ask one. It's a small start.

Space Ghost: Coast to Coast on Cartoon Network was awesome and ahead of it's time, now I feel old I didn't realize the final episode was 14 years ago and I'm only 29.

"Man why do every black actor have to rap some, I don't know man I just know that I'm the best one."