one of us is wrong

He will not tolerate clowning!

"Will someone please help me lighten the mood?"

Who among us hasn't had the odd banana in his or her pants?

Between his line delivery of "It's all terrain, dummy" and "Hello, rich people? Troy's joining you - yes I'll hold" alone he slayed me. If I tried to recall all his funny moments  this episode right now I would be unable to breathe.

Ho. Ly. War. How have I not seen that bio before? That whole "About Me" section is pure gold.

@avclub-b0f7b8df4360f2dc6d1214ab16072ba3:disqus For better or worse, 8% is now "the rape margin" in my head.

Hey, @m0nit0rman:disqus : real stories, they don't have spoilers. You understand that TV and life are different, right?

I would just like to make one girl react the way Annie does every time Abed does his Draper.

Your comment about Jim Rash being so great this year reminded me of all the comments last year saying how a little bit of the dean was the perfect amount, and making him a regular would ruin everything. Well, WRONG! More  Dean is the perfect amount.

I believe for Sunny it's more out of necessity than creative choice, since the writers are also part of the main cast, so it would be almost physically impossible for them to put on a longer season.

Look, not all brothers know how to shoot guns, you racist MELON FARMER.

we also saw Rickon and his direwolf lurking in that underground Stark catacomb/mausoleum. Lurking and then terrorizing Bran and Osha. I believe this was in one of the last two episodes of season 1 (the finale, I think).

@avclub-94d231f11cdc1fae024849f33f7a7156:disqus Well fuck me, serious mental lapse there. For certain I meant Stark. Does this say something about me? Egad I hope not, except for maybe I can be a bit of an idiot.
Thanks at least for alerting me to the mistake, I'm surprised it hadn't been pointed out to me earlier.

Are you trying to tell us that Winter is Jon Snow's mother? Because why else would Ned know that she's coming?

@Kumagoro:disqus Fair points all. She has been good so far this season (all 1 episode of it!), I guess it's just residual negativity from her whininess/obliviousness in season/book 1.
But let's remember, she did ask for it - literally - and so while she's doiing a decent job of dealing with it, she is reaping what she

@avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus When it comes to killing, apparently Joffrey is full of independent thought. I mean, it's the same thought time and again (yes) but he went against Cersei's (and everyone else's) wishes by beheading Ned.
Although, as has been pointed out further down the comments, it may

Hey Roman,
This is fantasy, man, not hard sci-fi. So just relax, and go stick it in that pornstar's nose before she storms away.

Something interesting that just occurred to me while reading your post on Melisandre - something about drawing that sword from out of the fire and being unharmed struck me as a description that would be apt for Dany. Any chance she has the wrong "chosen one" and this cult should be all about Dany with the dragons

Guessing it's because we've actually seen real wolves, so we have a basis for comparison (although judging by comments below, they are real wolves that have simply been embiggened and then superimposed, so clearly a comparison is unnecessary for being wrong).
I assume if any of us had seen an actual dragon before we'd