
agreed… a little too telegraphed is all, like he's waiting for his opponent's next move before it's made… Jackie has a way of making it a little more immediate and reactionary, but the guy isn't bad at all, and still better than anything the Matrix pumped out across its three flicks… still, labeling him as Asia's

exactly what I thought - Great, another Michael Cera playing yet *another* pussy-assed wimpy put-upon character… man I was already fed up with Cera's one-note acting (kinda like John Heder's same basic character in every role, albeit with a slightly different sensibility - thank god they seemed to have stopped giving

this is just like people in museums who look at modern art and come up with these supposed deep theories of subtext and symbolism and the like, when in reality it's a bunch of paint shot out of a guy's ass… they're the ones that go off the rails in an attempt to look cool and superior to everyone in the room,

I concur - "half of the 'brilliant' duo behind Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job" WTF??!! brilliant? are you fucking insane? - the fuck outta here, that show is pure shit… I even gave it the benefit of the doubt and tried watching it high, and it had the unique distinction of making a pothead hostile at its spazzy

he just sounds like some asshole who won't shut the fuck up, big surprise there…


..so that the body would be pinned to the coffin and they *could* get out and walk around? crackin' plan…

Looked it up on IMDb and none other than Jackie Earle Haley is listed as one of the voice actors, whoda thunkit…

dude reminds me of Crispin Glover doing his Thin Guy character from Charlie's Angels. Sounds like his film will be about as pretentious as Glover's directorial efforts *shrug*

And his streak continues, kinda sorta…check out his attempt at a sitcom called The Neighbors…