
It can be both!

This is all sad news, but I'm glad to hear about the New Girl walkthrough. I'm stuck on the Manic Pixie Mini-Boss.

Well said, sir. Thanks Sonia.

When you someone eat Susan Sarandon.

I worked in a call center and had to make a couple calls kind of like that. I felt like a jerk doing it. But I usually tried to work with people regarding what kind of information I would use to verify them. Relying on an "authorization code" and not, say, address info, account details they would know, etc., kind of

They're not playing the KFC Yum! Center? Bullshit.

Every time that commercial plays I feel a wave of embarrassment that I have never, in fact, ordered Johnny Walker, and so have not met her expectations. I feel like I am disappointing her, and it's pretty much a shame spiral from there.

Sorry to hear that Project Runway won't be covered anymore, but not real surprised I guess. Not meaning any disrespect to Sonia's work, which has been fine, I'm going to have a moment of silence for the writeups Teti used to do. Those were so good, I stayed with the show just so I could enjoy the writeups the next day.

Solid WR, insightful music critic… what CAN'T Steve Smith do?

That IS a cool story. Unfortunately it just highlights how lousy the Disneyland Grad Night was when I attended two years later… Glass Tiger and Wang Chung are the acts I remember being there. Class of 87 got screwed. At least I got to hear "To Live And Die in L.A." Sigh.

Their live record from 1987 is one of my all-time favorite concert recordings. The version of this song on there is also awesome. The CD version leaves out like three songs from the double-LP though, and I don't think they've ever reissued it. Fuckers.

Some guys I knew in college wanted to make Champipple one night, but they couldn't find any ripple. So they got Nighttrain instead and made Chamtrain Fizzies.

…People's Republic of China!!!

I was faked out. I figured after Nina fought so hard against Patricia (and made her distaste for Patricia's work so clear) that we would once again by treated to Nina getting her own way. I'm not a big fan of Patricia either, but I think they did the right thing.

True fact: I was working as an unpaid intern at the studio where they were putting together "Chipmunks in Low Places." So I probably met John Boylan at some point, although I don't remember it. Also, being in the same building where a Chipmunks album is being created is excruciating. Earth, Wind, and Fire was also

Manchild in Beantown!

Randy Meisner or GTFO

As soon as I moved to the south and found that Whataburger was an actual place and not something DFW made up in IJ, I had to eat there. So that was maybe the most effective naming-rights based advertising I've experienced, and it was fictional and Whataburger paid nothing for it. Indeed, if they could have stopped it

Goddamn, I was at that show too! I have seen Bruce a ton of times, but the set that night was something else.

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Los Angeles