Expletive Deleted

Ellison is essentially Ian Holmes portrayal of Napoleon from TIME BANDITS come to life.

In Undiscovered Country doesn't Spock say that Kirk's remark that "everybody's human" is insulting to him?

I thought it was because the Jews all turned into Ferengis in the early 22nd Century.

I don't hate IV - the poster above is right that "Insurrection" is the worst - but it isn't my favorite of the movies. Why does the Probe look like a Yodel with a soccer ball attached to it?

Dude, you're like the Highlander. You can't be killed.

I don't understand the DS9 hate. Agreed, the first 2 seasons were weak, but so was the first 2 seasons of TNG. The introduction of the Dominion, Sisko coming to terms with his Emissary-ness and an over-arching storyline really made that show great. Hell, Ronald Moore recycled all the faith/war stuff from DS9 into BSG

The actors also had a better rapport in the TV series, particularly in the first season. You might even be fooled into thinking they tolerated each other! By the time the films rolled around it's fairly obvious that Jimmy Doohan and Nichelle Nichols would gut Shatner like a fish if they could.

I just enjoy that Angela Martine gets over her fiancee's death so quickly. Next week on "Shore Leave" she's cozying up with Lieutenant Rodriguez.

Jurassic Bark is definitely a must-see episode, even if it is sad. Why, it reminds me of my own dear pet, Checkers…

Brain and Brain, What is Brain?
My sacred cow would be the original STAR TREK (y'know 78 episodes about 30 good ones.) I grew up with the cheesy sets, Shat-tastic acting and bad special effects and have loved every minute of it, even if that love has meant that I've never kissed a girl and still live in my parents

FROST/NIXON was a good film. So what if it takes liberties with historical truth? It's a movie, dipwad, not a documentary. It's supposed to be dramatized to a certain extent.

It was Tuesday, January 20th. It was slightly warm in Los Angeles…
Universal has released five seasons of Emergency! but only Dragnet season 1967? What kind of crap is that?

Obviously there are no good writers. Eastern Establishment Hippies trying to "entertain" or "inform" with their "ideas." Bastards.